
Michigan Family Vacation Photographer

Michigan family vacation photographer.

We recently took a trip to Cape Coral, Florida. The reason I say “trip” instead of “vacation” is because we took both of our adorably exhausting little crotch goblins. (By now, if you know me then you know I only joke). Anyways, the trip was great. The weather was beautiful and the kids really did have a blast. During our trip I was caught between really wanting to be “in the moment” and then thinking that we will never remember the moment unless I photograph it. So, classic Ashlan took 100,000,000 pictures and guess what? This time I actually wish I didn’t have to. It occured to me while we were down there that I should have contacted a family vacation photographer in Florida to come over for the day to document our family.

Reasons why you should hire me to be your family vacation photographer.

You get to enjoy your vacation without distraction.

This goes without saying. My daughters got to experience the ocean for the first time ever. A moment in which I should have given my undivided attention but was so overcome by the need to document it that I watched the whole thing through the viewfinder of my camera. Sort of like being at a concert, right? You want to take photos and videos so you don’t forget- so you watch the entire concert through your phone.

You get high quality professional photos.

I don’t know about you- but I’m sick of selfies and bad quality phone photos. I’m sick of the bad angles and bad compositions that my loving husband (who really does mean well) ends up taking. When you hire me to document your family – you are investing in high quality photos from a professional. I not only capture your precious moments- I also create a beautiful photo book so your family has tangible memories of your family vacations forever.

You get to be in the photos!

This is pretty much the same thing as my first point but it bares repeating. You get to put down your camera / phone. You get to be present in the memories. You get to relax and not stress about photos. And best of all- you are in the memories! There will be proof of the sunscreen you had to slather on while you alligator wrestled your kids. There will be proof of the sandcastles you built with your babies. There will be proof of the cuddles in the tent right after making smores around the fire. You were there and you deserve proof.

I haven’t finished uploading photos and haven’t gotten film developed either (but maybe that will be my next blog). If you are planning a family vacation this year I would love to follow your family around! Contact me and let’s plan a trip!

Michigan Family Vacation Photographer.

Raleigh Photo Co

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